Saturday, June 22, 2019

Pollen, Hayfever and air filters.

I love gardening...and I don't. 

I like planning, planting and harvest.  Not so keen on the weeds.  I do love the results.  I feel healthier eating food I have grown.  At least I know it is organic.

And a bad side effect - I often do not bend properly so can end up with a sore back.  And I have hay fever so it can make me stuffed up.

I do think a garden keeps one close to nature.  So I notice how wet it has been this year.  And the mosquitos are killer this year.  So much so, I have often abandoned the trail I usually walk on in favour of walking on city sidewalks.

I only plant vegetables.  Always the practical one.

I like the title of this article:  Gardening can cure just about anything.

I am an exercise person and think being outside for at least 20 minutes daily is a good health practice.  So you would think I would like mowing... but I detest it.  I think this is mostly because of my bad allergies.  I do wear a dust filter.  And I have to shower right after I mow to get the pollen off.  My lawn is small - takes 21 minutes to mow.  You would be surprised the number of things I can come up with to do to avoid cutting the grass.

Danby sells an air purifier - details here.  I have one in my office.  It is a bit like vitamins though - I think it works but I really cannot tell.  But it is natural and simple so no downside in using one.

I continue worrying about the environment.  I read a scary book that is worth reading - Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells.  A summary of the book is here.  You can download the full book for free here.

I am working on a start up - ShipperBee that can reduce the carbon footprint on parcels by 75%. 

I tend to look at challenges as things to be solved.  I also look at how to adapt.