The First Mile
I ran my first mile yesterday after minor knee surgery 3 weeks ago. Did it at a slowish pace (8 1/2 minutes). It was awesome. I have been cycling, walking and doing some elliptical but nothing beats a good run for adrenaline rush and getting my heart rate up.
I am going to discipline myself to only a mile per day this week, then 2 next then 3 after that. I know myself and know I tend to overdo things.
Net of it is knee surgery was a great success.
I like to be productive so I analyze it to try to figure out how to be more productive. I have come up with the following 5 Rules of Productivity
1 - I am most productive early in the day. So it makes sense for me to go to bed at a reasonable hour. It also makes sense for me to do the high productive things first and leave the lower priority maintenance stuff.
2 - Planning. I find I am more productive if I set out the night before what I want to accomplish. So planning, for me, is a productivity tool.
3 - Eliminate distractions. For me, distractions include things like a messy work area. Mess just calls "do me, do me" and often keeps me from the important.
4 - Prioritized list. I am more productive when I have a list of what needs doing. This allows me to highlight the most important ones and work on them first. Getting something on the list can also keep it off my mind until it is time to do things.
5 - Health. I am most productive when I am healthy. So sleeping well, eating right and exercise are productivity tools. I am eating well with the garden still producing well - green beans, egg plant, tomatoes (bad crop this year but still enough for eating - just not enough to dry, freeze or can), basil and chives. I am exercising well.
Have a productive day.
I am going to discipline myself to only a mile per day this week, then 2 next then 3 after that. I know myself and know I tend to overdo things.
Net of it is knee surgery was a great success.
I like to be productive so I analyze it to try to figure out how to be more productive. I have come up with the following 5 Rules of Productivity
1 - I am most productive early in the day. So it makes sense for me to go to bed at a reasonable hour. It also makes sense for me to do the high productive things first and leave the lower priority maintenance stuff.
2 - Planning. I find I am more productive if I set out the night before what I want to accomplish. So planning, for me, is a productivity tool.
3 - Eliminate distractions. For me, distractions include things like a messy work area. Mess just calls "do me, do me" and often keeps me from the important.
4 - Prioritized list. I am more productive when I have a list of what needs doing. This allows me to highlight the most important ones and work on them first. Getting something on the list can also keep it off my mind until it is time to do things.
5 - Health. I am most productive when I am healthy. So sleeping well, eating right and exercise are productivity tools. I am eating well with the garden still producing well - green beans, egg plant, tomatoes (bad crop this year but still enough for eating - just not enough to dry, freeze or can), basil and chives. I am exercising well.
Have a productive day.