Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Personal Post

No business gems in this post. Some of my readers are friends so I thought I would share some news.

My daughter, Beth is pregnant so soon I will be a grandfather.

Makes me feel old to be called that. Perhaps I am getting there..

I thought I was in shape but I was very sore from 4 hours of hard gardening on Saturday. It all started with a 4 mile St Patricks race. My time on the race was 30:25 which was a disappointing 45 seconds slower than last year. So slowing down in old age.


At 1:23 PM, Blogger Greg said...

Congrats Jim, that's fantastic news. (and still a great time for a 4 mile race!)

At 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on your Daughter's Pregnancy. That is a milestone to definitely be very proud of.


At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Irene Markoja said...

Hi, Jim!
Congratulations, grandpa! As a new aunt myself (my sister has an adorable baby girl Milla Laytin, born January 12), I've found that a new life brings new plenty of excitement and challenges. (Is that toy appropriate for the kid's age and development? Why do daytrips have to cost so much? How do we save for college, with tuitions going up every year?) It's a lot of work for the parent(s), but seeing the little one grow and develop is amazing. Me? I can't wait till my sister's little munchkin gets out of the baby stage and shows off her true colors. Believe me, it will be quite something!

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am thrilled to hear that you are going to be a grandparent.

As you know my grandkids call me Grammy Pammy and the joy that comes with this honour is indescribable. Being a Grammy fills me with so much joy. Feeling old is the furthest thing from my mind as often I am doing things with them that are more strenuous than a workout.

Imaging what it is like to be a grandparent is only half the fun of being one.

Enjoy the fun of deciding what name your grandchild will call you. Of course you will have to meet the new little person when the time comes to determine that; however, you can start your list now.

The most important advice that I can give you is what I have told my grandkids, “Remember kids, what happens at Grammy’s stays at Grammy’s!”

All the best,

At 2:18 AM, Blogger AnjaneeKumar said...

Hearty Congratulations to you and your daughter:)

At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Arthur Paul Pierce said...

I always ready your blog and this is my first comment.. I hope the best for the coming baby Jim. About the age issue, keep in mind that all ages are like seasons of the year. They all have completely different feelings. You will understand me at the first touch with your grandson...
God be with you and your family
Arthur Paul Pierce

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Annette said...

What fabulous news Jim! As for being "old".... nahh you just had your children young!!

All the best


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