Friday, August 14, 2009

The Keys - Open the Door to True Empowerment

8 days of unemployment (plus a weekend which I think also counts). I am busier than I expected. I actually have things to do. Lots of calls and emails as expected when the news of my departure hit. Now it is mostly people trying to entice me to do something else. I am determined to take at least 90 days to figure out properly what I want to do. It is tough for me not to jump right into things.

All businesses started as ideas in someones mind. I have lots - the key is to develop the right one.

I am in a strange space personally. I resigned most of my board positions (but not RIM), and moved to a new country, leaving my friends and family. I have only been here 75 days but most of the social ties I had started to develop are cut (they were mostly employees, suppliers, customers, bankers, accountants etc at Nu Horizons). Now it seems awkward for many of them. So I am busy cultivating new circles. Interesting...

I read a great book by my friend Denise Marek and her friend Sharon Quirt called "The Keys - Open the Door to True Empowerment and Infinite Possibilities". I liked Denise's previous book - Calm so I knew I would like this one.

It starts:"We know from history that unless we're challenged, human nature has a tendency to settle for mediocrity". It then goes on to encourage that appropriate challenge.

The keys:

Awareness - I spend a lot of time soul searching. Trying to figure out where my greatest values lie. The better I know myself, the better I am able to add value.

Acceptance - I fight this one - always "working" to change anything that I think needs changing. I realize at some level this causes me angst and does not allow me to be as zen and part of me thinks I should be.

Forgiveness - This assumes that we are not taking control of our own reactions to things. No one can make us feel bad. True maturity would be not having to forgive because we take full responsibility for our reactions.

Freedom - The ultimate goal.

The keys are simple and obvious which are usually the best sort of reminders.

The book is short, easy to read and fast which I like. To get the best value though, it needs to be pondered.

And changing topics...

Business week has some short story boards. One that provokes thought was brought to my attention. 13 management mistakes. It is inspired by the book Oops - 13 Management Practises that Waste Time and Money. I am looking forward to reading the book.

I have not been waking up as early as I would like (although I was up at 4:30 today) to so I wrote an article on why and how to wake up early. Good article by Jim Citrin on the same topic here.


At 9:45 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

4:30 is a ridiculously early hour. I have been enjoying your blog posts lately. Keep up the good work.

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like reading your blogs because of the good recommendations of books you have read. I am not sure if you have come across of reading a book titled "The 360 Degree Leader"? I am very interested in your opinion and thoughts about this book.

At 8:01 AM, Anonymous pete the elf said...

It is interesting that construction workers, such as plumbers, seem to naturally live the Golden Hour. I completely agree with your list of tips. The golden hour is absolutely key. But remember that if you have a wife and kids or any housemate that does not practice the same, then you need to be very quiet so that you don't wake them (until a more decent hour is reached, like 7:00).

At 1:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear, Jim, that the last two CEO assignments haven't gone quite to plan. What would you say you've learned mostly from these "challenges"?

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Jim Estill said...

SYNNEX actually was quite a success. I learned how "corporate" works. I learned how to sell head office. And the financial results for SYNNEX were great - double sales and more than double profits.

I am examining other learnings from both positions for sure. I am a constant learner.

At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think forgiveness may be tucked within the “take full responsibility for our reactions” component of your comment. It may be splitting hairs, but at a very deep level I believe we have an emotional component that requires some freedom to help us in achieving the balance many talk about. Forgiveness of self and of others in the environment we inhabit allows us to sort through some of the negative emotions we have to deal with. I think that is a part of the taking responsibility idea, so I see Forgiveness as congruent with your thoughts. The sense I had was you did not.


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