Monday, October 22, 2007

Doing it vs Getting it Done - Delegation

I took yesterday off. Beautiful day. Hiked up the Niagara escarpment and a bit of the Bruce Trail.

I have found as SYNNEX (or EMJ for that matter) scales, I, personally, can get less done. What I am learning to do is to not necessarily do it but just make sure it is done.

The better I know myself, the better I find I can get results. When I was younger, I felt I had to do everything myself and that trait has been hard to kill. I was muscling through things that I am not well suited to do. This robbed me of time that I could spend offering the greatest value. And also tended to not get the best result.

So I delegate. Of course taking full responsibility for the result.

Of course some people might say "I don't have people who work for me so i have to do it all myself". Not true, you can often delegate to a customer, supplier, co-worker, friend etc. The key in delegation is "who can do the job significantly easier, faster or better than you".

Of course this is easy to say. If I was real good at it, I would not be in my office now just because I took a Sunday off. So - still learning (which is good).

In the end, it is all about results. And I realize that doing it myself is not likely to be the best way to get the best results. It is not about doing it, it is about getting it done.


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