SYNNEX Party and 10 Steps to Healthy Eating.
Tonight was the SYNNEX Guelph Holiday party. Seems a bit early but booking halls is tough near Christmas. It was a great event. Well attended. Great venue, great food. Lively crowd. I enjoyed myself and so did most who attended so it was a success.One of my interests is health so I often read books about health. One book I just read is called "10 Steps to Healthy Eating" by Leslie Beck. I enjoyed it (but I am a health guy so like stuff like this). It reinforces everything I already know and what my mother always said.
I liked the sections on how much protein, etc I should eat.
The book reinforces the need for exercise. It also has a lot of recipes but since I do not eat red meat and don't even eat chicken at home, many were not for me.
I eat well at home but I only eat at home a few times per week so my challenge is healthy eating on the road.
I am not big on supplements so I liked that she did not push that too much. I prefer food to pills.
Her steps (but you have to read the book to get the real sense of them all).
1 - get ready
2 - eat enough protein (I likely am deficient here)
3 - Choose the right carbohydrate
4 - eat more fruits and vegetables
5 - choose healthier fats and oils
6 - boost vitamins and minerals.
7 - eat more often
8 - Don't forget about fluids
9 - Control your weight
10 - Be active every day
My favorite health book is Back To Eden by Jethro Kloss, which can be found in most health food stores, in USA anyway.
Protein can be derived most beneficially from nuts and beans, whereas meat is a very dubious source of anything, due to the processing, feeding of animals for slaughter, and additives.
My basic guide is "Go Natural Whenever Possible". I rarely take any medicines for anything. I generally try to use natural herbs, fruit, vegetables, seeds, exercise, deep breathing, lots of water, etc.
It's good that as a CEO, you blog so freely about personal concerns, but, rather than myopically, you stress the benefits to your readers, the practical value to be found in your confessional writings.
Very well done, and not that common for a business blog.
I also love how you refrain from hyping your company and products. This is really a model blog for other CEOs.
Thanks for the kind comment. Total agreement on the go natural when I can.
Will check out Back to Eden.
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