Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I am in Vancouver today. Flying to Haida Gweii (used to be the Queen Charlotte islands) today for a few days fishing. Yes, CEOs do take hiolidays. Just short ones and usually with Blackberries and cell phones handy. I understand philisophically the need to take some time off and recharge. Harder in practise.

I read an interesting article in the Globe yesterday about charisma and the CEO. The message was charismatic CEOs perform no better than those without charisma and that the true test was not charisma but results. Awesome - there is still hope for me.

The question they did not answer was does charisma help get results?

One thing I did like about the article was the long term view to took. It spoke about performance over a 5 year+ period. Often popular press looks at things in the short term which in the case of great businesses is limiting.


At 6:09 PM, Blogger Byte said...

have a good holidays!

At 12:04 PM, Blogger steven edward streight said...

Charisma is suddenly a vital topic to me, since I've gotten into video blogging and CEO videos.

What is charisma? Does it necessarily mean extroverted, wild-eyed, pulpit pounding enthusiasm, gushing charm and a twinkle in the eye?

I doubt it. I think there are many types of charisma, including a gentle, soothing, calm, shy, and introspective manner.

I point you to the book Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It -- by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner.

Kouzes is chairman emeritus of the Tom Peters Company.

According to their research, constituents seek (1) Honest (2) Forward-looking (visionary) (3) Inspiring (4) Competent (5) Fair minded (6) Supportive...(etc.) leadership.

Where does charisma fit into this scheme? The word "charisma" is not even found in the index of the book.

Thus, I think charisma is a blend of the 6 qualities above, especially being Visionary in an Inspiring manner.

How you portray these qualities is up to you, or any other CEO.

At 12:04 PM, Blogger steven edward streight said...

Charisma is suddenly a vital topic to me, since I've gotten into video blogging and CEO videos.

What is charisma? Does it necessarily mean extroverted, wild-eyed, pulpit pounding enthusiasm, gushing charm and a twinkle in the eye?

I doubt it. I think there are many types of charisma, including a gentle, soothing, calm, shy, and introspective manner.

I point you to the book Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It -- by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner.

Kouzes is chairman emeritus of the Tom Peters Company.

According to their research, constituents seek (1) Honest (2) Forward-looking (visionary) (3) Inspiring (4) Competent (5) Fair minded (6) Supportive...(etc.) leadership.

Where does charisma fit into this scheme? The word "charisma" is not even found in the index of the book.

Thus, I think charisma is a blend of the 6 qualities above, especially being Visionary in an Inspiring manner.

How you portray these qualities is up to you, or any other CEO.


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