The 17 Powers of Time
Easy day yesterday (except for the hayfever). I now find it easy when I stay in Guelph for the day usually.I had feedback that I needed to mingle more so on my time sheets, I noted how many of my staff I interacted with. Interesting study. It should be easy for me to increase the number of people I interact with. I do notice the high volume of email I get and the solitary nature of much of what I do.
I thought I would use my blog to share the 17 Powers of Time.
Power 1 (and my favourite) – The Power of While. What can you do while you are doing … What can you do while you are driving. For me, I usually listen to audio books. Even with just local driving, I never cease to amaze myself with how many books I can listen to. What can I do while I am working out? I usually use this as a time of reflection and contemplation. What can I do while I am waiting for an appointment (usually I read or do email on my RIM)
So the Power is – What can you do while…
this also could mean a divided mind.
doing 2 things a one time creates a non balace state.
what do you think.
I admire your reading speed and volume.
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